새찬송가 410장
1. 내 맘에 한 노래 있어 나 즐겁게 늘 부르네
평화 평화 하나님 주신 선물
2. 주 십자가 지심으로 날 구원해주셨으며
평화 평화 하나님 주신 선물
3. 나 주님께 영광돌려 참 평화가 넘치도다
평화 평화 하나님 주신 선물
4. 이 평화를 얻으려고 주 앞으로 나아갈 때
평화 평화 하나님 주신 선물
I am grateful for living, loving, learning, and sharing. Every day is a miracle. 살며 사랑하며 배우며 나누며 감사하기
Shake It Off and Step Up!
A parable is told of a farmer who owned an old mule. The mule fell into the farmer’s well. The farmer heard the mule braying and went to the site. After assessing the situation the farmer sympathized with the mule but decided that neither the mule nor the well was worth the trouble of saving. Instead he called his neighbors and asked them to bring their shovels and bury the poor mule and put him out of his misery.
The mule seemed hysterical. When the dirt struck his back he shook it off. As the farmer and his friends continued to shovel a thought struck the farmer. After each shovel of dirt was thrown onto the mule he said, "Shake it off and step up." The mule did what he asked, after every shovel of dirt. After a time the old mule stepped triumphantly out of the well. What seemed to bury him actually became his road to freedom.
There is an alternative to every impossible situation. The way is not always visible to us. But our task is not to work miracles, that is up to God. Our responsibility is to prepare the way, committing every ounce of energy we have to the possibility of the transforming power of God, remembering that a single act of kindness can bring hope to generations yet to come.
Keith Wagner, Possibilities Unlimited